The Riverside County Second District Supervisor’s Office uses social media to share information about matters of public interest related to the Second District. The Riverside County Second District Supervisor’s Office (the “Office”) maintains three social media pages, two of which carry a blue verification check mark: @SupervisorKarenSpiegel (Facebook and Instagram) and @SupKarenSpiegel (X, formerly Twitter). These social media pages are forums limited to topics of interest identified by the Office. We encourage you to submit on-topic comments; However, please address your comments to the specific topic(s) discussed. Please be advised that all content posted on any of the social media pages is public and subject to California’s Public Records Act. To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include sensitive, personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers. The Office reserves the right to discontinue any or all of its social media pages at any time.
Important Note: The Office does not respond to messages or comments on its social media pages. The best way to connect with a staff member of the Second District or the Supervisor is by calling or emailing the office directly. We do not process constituent comments, complaints, or concerns from social media pages.
Comments posted, including opinions and/or views expressed, on any of the social media pages belonging to the Office represent the thoughts of the individuals and online communities that posted them and do not necessarily represent the views of the Second District Supervisor (the “Supervisor”), the Office, or any of its staff, or employees, nor do they constitute any form of endorsement by the Supervisor or the Office. Any references or links to a specific entity, product, service, or organization posted by individuals on the Office’s social media pages should not be considered an endorsement by the Supervisor and/or the Office. The Supervisor and the Office are not responsible for any of the content posted by members of the public, including any content that appears on external links.
Please be advised that any content posted on any of the Office’s social media pages may be removed in a viewpoint-neutral manner and in accordance with the Terms of Use set forth below. However, even if removed from public view, the content may still be preserved as a public record. This preservation can be achieved through various methods, such as taking screenshots, using social media archiving tools, or manually documenting the comment before it is deleted. These records are maintained for accountability and transparency in compliance with public records laws.
By accessing any of the Office’s social media pages and by posting on any of the Office’s social media pages, you, as the user, acknowledge and agree that you have read, understand, and agree to the preceding social media policy as well as the following terms and conditions, by such access and use:
Terms of Use
- I am submitting content voluntarily and on my own behalf.
- The content I post reflects my own original thoughts or work.
- I understand that the Office has the right to re-post or share any content, photos, or videos that I submit on any of the Office’s social media pages.
- I understand that any content I provide may be considered a “public record” under California law.
- I understand and agree that unless specifically identified as a resource for receiving requests for information under state public information laws, any of the Office’s social media pages are not proper vehicles for making requests for public information or public records under state law, and any such requests must be made to the appropriate custodian of the records.
- I understand and agree that any of the content posted on any of the Office’s social media pages is subject to removal in whole or in part if it contains any of the following:
- Malicious or harmful software;
- Confidential, personally identifying, or private information
- Profanity, nudity, indecency, or obscenity;
- Defamatory comments;
- Threats of violence or to public safety;
- Hate speech and any content that promotes discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, or gender identity;
- Suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity;
- Links to any site;
- Copyrighted or trademarked materials in violation of state or federal law;
- Promotion, endorsement, or solicitation of commercial services, products, or entities;
- Any campaign-related materials;
- Confidential or exempt information in violation of state or federal law;
- Appears to violate the intellectual property rights of the Office or a third party under federal or state law;
- Comments or posts that are clearly off-topic and unrelated to the initial subject matter of the social media post or governmental concerns;
- Multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user, repetitive posts copied and pasted by multiple users, or spam.
To contact a representative from the Riverside County Second District Supervisor’s Office, please call 951-955-1020 or email [email protected] from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.